February 28th, 2023
Just popping in real quick to make a small notation about how this site will operate in the future. See, I only have an update (a small one, at that) for Special Forever, and it looks like it might remain that way for a month or two. So, instead of clogging up the update section on the home page with stuff you might not be interested in, I'll be splitting up updates into their own unique sub-categories, with the main page being reserved for more generalized announcements.
Now, when you scroll down to the new "QUICK LINKS" section, you can click on a project to be whisked away to a sub-page dedicated to that project, with screenshots, project description, updates, and availability once completed. Once I start work on other projects, those will also receive dedicated pages once said project has received its first progress update.
Welp, bye for now.You've reached the end of this page!